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DVD57 - Colin Campbell: Petroleum Geologist

DVD57 - Colin Campbell: Petroleum Geologist DVD

Quantity 1 2-5 6-9 10+
Price Each $20.00 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00
  • In clear and easy-to-understand terms, veteran petroleum geologist, Colin Campbell explains Peak Oil, the basics of petroleum geology, how the reserves are measured and the vital concept of ‘reserve back-dating.’ He also talks about how oil affects and inflames geo-politics, and talks about the prospects of such lesser known but vital oil giants as Russia and Canada, and explains the unhelpful role of free market economics in hastening oil and gas depletion.
  • "Campbell does not pretend that he knows what will happen but gives us a range of plausible scenarios. These events will produce a major change in thinking and our perceptions of reality." -W.J. George, Petroleum Economist, London
  • "Colin Campbell dares to examine the very core of the mechanisms which make our society function. Our way of life depends on fossil fuel for about 90% of all energy we produce. Without oil and the other fossil fuels, the planet would never been able to support 6 billion human beings, to say nothing of the extravagent lifestyle of the fraction of them living in 'rich' countries."

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