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DVD176 - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth:
The Architecture of Destruction DVD

DVD176 - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth:
The Architecture of Destruction DVD

Quantity 1-2 3-5 6-9 10-19 20+
Price Each $15.00 $12.00 $11.00 $10.00 $9.00
  • In this stunning multimedia presentation to the University of Manitoba, Canada, SF Bay Area architect, Richard Gage, AIA provides a packed audience with the evidence of controlled demolition using explosives at all 3 WTC high-rise "collapses", including:
    near freefall symmetrical "collapse",
    evidence of thermite,
    tons of molten metal,
    ejected steel beams,
    and molten iron spheres.
  • "...courageous and comprehensive work...Richard Gage, AIA has inspired and awakened the very professionals on whose ignorance and silence the cover-up of the 9/11 crime depends." -Jim Hoffman, 911research.com, 911review.com and WTC7.net
  • "...exposes the 'official' story... highly recommended to all who seek facts and careful analysis of what really happened that day." -Dr. Steven Jones, Physicist
  • "...a courageous stand... calm, clear and professional approach." -Kevin Ryan, BS Chem., Certified Quality Engineer
  • Produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
  • Run time: 2 hours

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