- 911 Dust and Deceit at the World Trade Center", the disturbing new film by Penny Little, tells the story of the environmental disaster of 911 through the voices of scientists, waste management specialists, government officials, workers, volunteers, heroes, and the victims of the toxic dust of 911.
- EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman announced to New Yorkers, shortly after the 911 attacks on the World Trade Towers, that their air was "safe to breathe". Now, thousands of people are ill and some have died as a direct result.
- The ongoing chemical attack on New Yorkers has not been given the attention of other aspects of the 911 attack, and has been largely ignored by mainstream corporate media until very recently.
- The response to 911 may be the model for future responses to national disasters and terrorist attacks (think "Katrina" or future dirty bomb?). Our heroes, volunteers, first responders, and thousands of just plain folks were caught in circumstances beyond their control, while were those who had the power to control the outcome of those circumstances, chose to disregard public safety. Thousands more people will die because of the irresponsible behavior of our own government. This is a crime.
- Interviews include: EPA whistleblower Cate Jenkins, Congresswoman Carolyn Malone, SEC employee Robert Gulack, volunteer Rachel Hughes, Congressman Jarrold Nadler, environmental scientist Marjorie Clarke, Chief Investigator for the EPA Ombudsman Project, Hugh Kaufman, New York Environmental Law and Justice Project Joel Kupferman, Sierra Club NY Executive Suzanne Mattei, World Trade Center Environmental Organization Jenna Orkin, and more!