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BK28 - 9/11 and American Empire:
Intellectuals Speak Out

BK28 - 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out Book

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Price Each $10.80
  • Practically from the moment the dust settled in New York and Washington after the attacks of September 11, a movement has grown of survivors, witnesses, and skeptics who have never quite been able to accept the official story. When theologian David Ray Griffin turned his attention to this topic in his book The New Pearl Harbor (2003), he helped give voice to a disquieting rumble of critiques and questions from many Americans and people around the world about the events of that day. Were the military and the FAA really that incompetent? Were our intelligence-gathering agencies really in the dark about such a possibility? In short, how could so much go wrong at once, in the world's strongest and most technologically sophisticated country?
  • Both the government and the mainstream media have since tried to portray the 9/11 truth movement as led by people who can be dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' able to find an outlet for their ideas only on the internet. This volume, with essays by intellectuals from Europe and North America, shows this caricature to be untrue. Coming from different intellectual disciplines as well as from different parts of the world, these authors are united in the conviction that the official story about 9/11 is a huge deception manufactured to extend imperial control at home and abroad.
  • Contributors include Richard Falk, Daniele Ganser, David Ray Griffin, Steven E. Jones, Karin Kwiatkowski, John McMurtry, Peter Phillips, Morgan Reynolds, Kevin Ryan, Peter Dale Scott, Ola Tunander.
  • By Peter Dale Scott, former Canadian diplomat and professor of English at University of California, Berkeley.
    Edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott
  • Paperback, 247 pages

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