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Nine Years of War Based on a Lie Brochures
(8.5" by 11", professionally printed, tri-folded)

The somber cover of this updated brochure appeals directly to antiwar groups by showing that 9/11 is the foundation for the unending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now in their ninth year, the wars have cost hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars, yet President Obama continues to use 9/11 as the reason for fighting in the region—this despite the disturbing questions about the official account of the tragedy, now confirmed as being based on lies. Many of these questions are grounded in science and can no longer be ignored or dismissed as so-called "conspiracy theories."
View/Print brochure PDF (2 pages)

Item # BR9 - Nine Years of War Based on a Lie Brochures
(8.5" by 11", professionally printed, tri-folded)

View/Print brochure PDF (2 pages)

Item # BR9 Pricing
Quantity 1-19 20-49 50+
Price Each $0.15 $0.12 $0.08

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